The problem seems to be with special characters such as curly braces.
I can reproduce the issue (blank error message) with both "cloning" and 
"creating" a connection -- it doesn't really matter (red herring).
To reproduce it yourself, simply add ${GUAC_DATE} and/or ${GUAC_USERNAME} or 
anything between {} in any field (but it would make sense to put it in 
"Recording Name").

The following SQL command works:

"INSERT INTO guacamole_connection_parameter VALUES ($((conn_id)), 
'typescript-name', 'VoIP_MGM_SSH_${GUAC_USERNAME}_${GUAC_DATE}_${GUAC_TIME}');"

and if I do that to the backend then connecting to the guacamole UI shows me 
the ${} variables as expected -- no errors.

I haven't checked yet if the recorded file name actually contains the expanded 

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