Could you let us know how you have installed Guacamole, and on what distribution? Log file information at the time of the problem is also very useful.

If perchance you are using Docker you may have run into this issue:

This thread also describes a similar situation to yours, it may contain some useful information:

On 10/07/23 21:32, Clement ITIE wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am trying to configure the new recording feature with  playback of session recordings directly within the web application/

I installed the extension in the adequate folder the restared tomcat9 service :

I configured the path of the recording as described in documentation :


You can see in this screeshot that recording is working but the variables ${HISTORY_PATH}/${HISTORY_UUID} doesn’t seems to work and Logs column remains empty.

Do you have any idea of what is the problem here ?

Thank you for your help.

Clément Itié

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