On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 8:14 AM Per-Erik Gustafsson <
perre.gustafs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have used Guacamole in Docker containers since September 2022 and now
> we noticed that session to xrdp backend gets reset occasionally.
> I do not have numbers on the frequency of this problem.
> Where could the problem be?
> Our setup consist of Nginx reverse proxies, Guacamole and Guacd in Docker
> containers where we get sessions resets occasionally.
> The setup:
> DMZ: Nginx nr 1, proxies over https to
> Virtualmachine containing:
> Nginx/Docker reverse proxy tls endpoint
> Postgresql/Docker
> Authorization app/Flask running in Docker
> Guacamole/Docker
> Guacd/Docker
This is run with Docker compose, with a default docker network
> Guacamole images are version 1.4.0
> Guacd connects to other virtual machines on the same physical host over
> RDP to Xrdp.
> We have abt 100 defined users, of which only a small fraction are
> simultaneously active.
> This setup has worked fine until now when a user told us that his session
> gets reset/cancelled every now and then.
> This time the user had started the work in the xrdp session and then put
> the browser window to side and continued other tasks. After a while the
> session was reset.

I suspect that one of two things is going on, here:
* When the browser window gets "put to the side," the browser or O/S is
attempting to optimize performance by "sleeping" the tabs, and doesn't keep
the communication active, which results in guacd believing that the client
has left the connection. I think we've seen this in a couple of places,
before, with inactive tabs in some browsers (Safari and Chrome, maybe?).
* Something in the DMZ firewall is keeping track of connectivity and
believes that the connection is idle, so it shuts down the communication. A
lot of "next gen" firewalls do this as a security and/or bandwidth
optimization feature.


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