I have a feature idea, how should I go about submitting a feature request?

Unfortunately I am in no way a Java developer so I'm not able to do this on my 
own, but I'm hoping the idea has enough value that it could be added by the 
team at some point.

Here's a quick rundown of the idea, does this sound like it would be valuable 
to others, or is this already possible?

The idea is to add options to connections to have guacd or guacamole call a 
script on the host when a connection starts and ends. If it is not possible to 
call a shell script, maybe a webhook or some sort of event messaging to FaaS 
etc... I also imagine a boolean option to make the call blocking to the 
connection proceeding or not and if set to block a field to override a default 
timeout before failing. Some reasonable default would be set that could be 
overridden via guacamole.properties.

Parameters would need to be sent to the script/event with: timestamp, 
connection title, hostname, port, username, ?password?,...

What I can see this being used for:
1. To substantiate VDI containers or link-cloned VMs on demand and destroy 
after connection closes.
2. If using the Keeper Vault to rotate connection credentials and update the 
vault / remote system after each connection closes.
3. Integrate with any audit / notification backends to log when secured systems 
are accessed.
4. Used with wake on LAN to power off resources when they're disconnected and 
WOL powered on when called.

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