It appears to be a ipv4 vs. ipv6 issue. Here is what I get with systemctl status guacd after a failed attempt:

Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6014]: Creating new client for protocol "vnc" Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6014]: Connection ID is "$ea3a9369-9157-428c-be87-3b0e08498367"
Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6061]: Cursor rendering: local
Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6061]: User "@d1cf66c3-9bb5-4a46-b8eb-82a718cae00f" joined connection "$ea3a9369-9157-428c-be87-3b0e08498367" (1 users >
Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6061]: ConnectClientToTcpAddr6: connect
Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6061]: Unable to connect to VNC server
Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6061]: Unable to connect to VNC server.
Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6061]: User "@d1cf66c3-9bb5-4a46-b8eb-82a718cae00f" disconnected (0 users remain) Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6061]: Last user of connection "$ea3a9369-9157-428c-be87-3b0e08498367" disconnected Jan 30 15:54:04 pi4dev guacd[6014]: Connection "$ea3a9369-9157-428c-be87-3b0e08498367" removed.

I've already found as many "localhost" that I can find and replaced them with ""

Here is guacd.conf:

bind_host =
bind_port = 4822

and user-mapping.xml


    <!-- Per-user authentication and config information -->
    <authorize username="xxxxx" password="xxxxx">
<!--        <protocol>rdp</protocol>  -->
        <param name="hostname"></param>
        <param name="port">5900</param>
        <param name="password">VNCPASS</param>

    <!-- Another user, but using md5 to hash the password
         (example below uses the md5 hash of "PASSWORD") -->

        <!-- First authorized connection -->
        <connection name="">
            <param name="hostname"></param>
            <param name="port">5901</param>
            <param name="password">VNCPASS</param>

        <!-- Second authorized connection -->
        <connection name="otherhost">
            <param name="hostname">otherhost</param>
            <param name="port">5900</param>
            <param name="password">VNCPASS</param>



Any suggestions?

Regards,  Jim

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