It only connects to local XRDP on the host machine. Until 1.5.4 works fine but in 1.5.5 it shows the issue I've commented.



El 9/4/24 a las 12:38, Nick Couchman escribió:
On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 2:24 AM Víctor J. Sánchez E. <> wrote:

    Hi all,

    yesterday I've upgraded my both Docker containers guacd and
    guacamole from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5
    I've put new JDBC connectors releases to connect to MariaDB to
    store Guacamole user settings.
    Also I use TOTP.

    Everything works fine when I connected via RDP in 1.5.4 but in
    1.5.5 I log succesfully to Guacamole and I can use SSH sessions
    but RDP screens gets in black with "Connecting to Guacamole.
    Waiting for response ..." (translated into spanish "Conectando a
    Guacamole. Esperando respuesta ...") and never shows XRDP session

    I can do XRDP session succesfully outside Guacamole.

    xrdp.log and xrdp-sesman.log don't show any error or issue.

    The log showed by guacd container:
    /guacd[1]: INFO:Creating new client for protocol "rdp"
    guacd[1]: INFO:Connection ID is
    guacd[174]: INFO:No security mode specified. Defaulting to
    security mode negotiation with server.
    guacd[174]: INFO:Resize method: display-update
    guacd[174]: INFO:No clipboard line-ending normalization specified.
    Defaulting to preserving the format of all line endings.
    guacd[174]: INFO:User "@0fe23d1e-0e3d-49d8-ae2a-43f39c38dc07"
    joined connection "$756c6373-53b0-4740-b396-55785d32a4e6" (1 users
    now present)
    guacd[174]: INFO:Loading keymap "base"
    guacd[174]: INFO:Loading keymap "es-es-qwerty"/

    The log showed by guacamole container:
    /06:15:21.521 [http-nio-8080-exec-10] INFO
     o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User "victor" connected to
    connection "3"./

    I've also re-created RDP connection in Guacamole without success.

    In summary everything works fine with RDP in 1.5.4 but not in 1.5.5

I've also upgraded from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5 and routinely use Guacamole to connect to both Windows RDP and xrdp servers, and I have not had any issues at all with the newer version. Is this a single xrdp server you're seeing issues with, or multiple ones that all behave the same?

I'm building guacd in a native environment, not using the Docker containers, so not sure if there's some difference with that - I guess we'll see if anyone else reports similar issues with the containers.


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