On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 5:19 AM, isaac.marco <isaac.ma...@udima.es> wrote:

> As you say if the connection ID was informed in the log when the
> connection arrives from a balancing group It will be enough for me.
> I think this is coded here https://github.com/apache/incubator-guacamole-
> client/blob/057a0922637c3f92c761cf26b1a6cb3d9eec8624/guacamole/src/main/
> java/org/apache/guacamole/tunnel/TunnelRequestService.java but I'm not
> very good with Java and the Guacamole API.
> Somebody to help me with this hack?
The underlying connection isn't exposed at that level, as the actual
balancing is left up to the auth backend. If you want to add that kind of
logging, it would need to be within the database auth itself:


The underlying connection *is* exposed via the tracking of active
connections, but accessing that from the command line would mean
interacting with the REST services used by the web application, which would
mean embedding admin-level credentials ... which is probably not what you

- Mike

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