On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 9:03 AM, tako <c...@temple.edu> wrote:

> Hi, I'm trying to test out Apache Guacamole to see if it'd be suitable for
> my
> environment. I have it set up and running in a RHEL6 VM. I was able to
> compile everything, set up Tomcat, etc. When I tried to switch over to
> NoAuth (for testing purposes, I just need to confirm that the software
> works
> as intended).
If you're just trying to confirm that things work, the best method for
doing so would be the built-in authentication mechanism
("user-mapping.xml"). That method requires no extensions whatsoever:


NoAuth is being deprecated and should not be used for new deployments.

When loading the page (localhost:8080/guacamole), I receive the error listed
> below.
> Note that tomcat:tomcat owns *EVERYTHING* related to Guacamole.
> GUACAMOLE_HOME is /home/tomcat/apache/.guacamole
> the noauth jar is in both GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions and WEB_INF/lib (or
> whatever the path is)
Do not place extensions anywhere but GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions/. That is
the only correct location for extensions. Placing them elsewhere will
either have no effect or, as in the case of WEB-INF/lib, will cause the
extensions to be loaded by multiple overlapping classloaders.



- Mike

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