On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 6:01 AM, Herzog <her...@phil.to> wrote:
> I would be more than interested, too!
> Mike, is the MIT licensed "poorly implemented" version publicly available?
> Could you publicize it otherwise?

No, this is incorrect.

If it were MIT-licensed, yes, we could indeed do as you suggest. The
main reason the code cannot be used is because its license status is
unknown. The author made his changes to MIT-licensed code, yes, but
that does not mean his changes are under the same license. Without the
explicit permission of the author, and without a license giving us
permission, we cannot legally include his code.

> Maybe we could use that as a starting point (regarding the lack of
> documentation, some could would surely help).

The only legal route is to start from scratch, without referencing his
code in any way whatsoever. Doing otherwise risks creating a
derivative work and running afoul of copyright law.

It would be safe to consult the FreeRDP source itself, particularly
the X11 client implementation. In fact, since FreeRDP has no API
documentation, walking through the code is very often the only way to
determine what the various functions/parameters/structures actually
do. It's fairly painful, but it is doable, and in this case it's
simply the only option.


- Mike

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