On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 2:55 AM, Amarjeet Singh <amarjee...@gmail.com>

> Hi Team,
> Is it must to compile and build Guacamole server every time on each server
> ?
> I  don't want the source code to be on that server where Guacamole server
> is there.
> I only want the binary files of guacd on Guacamole server.  Can I do that
> ? ( like in rpm or war file )
We don't produce distribution-specific packages, like those which would be
required for binary convenience builds of guacamole-server. You can
definitely do this yourself, however, or leverage the Docker images, or
clean up the source from the server once the build is completed.

You can also check with your distribution and surrounding community to see
if they provide their own packages of guacamole-server. For CentOS, I
believe the EPEL repository provides such packages. If no such packages
exist, you could always get the ball rolling there yourself, and work with
the distribution to begin packaging guacamole-server.

- Mike

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