On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 9:25 AM, Nick Couchman <vn...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Charles Mccrea <charlesmcc...@gmail.com>
> ...
>> Inside this directory I have my guacamole.properties file and the
>> extensions folder.
>> I didn't have my GUACAMOLE_HOME environement variable set so I've done
>> this now using an .sh script.  Confirmed on reboot that my environment
>> variable is set properly.
> If you're setting this property directly, now, in the startup script, it
> should be set to /usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole.

To further clarify, "GUACAMOLE_HOME" is the placeholder text used in
the manual and elsewhere to represent the base directory which
contains guacamole.properties, the "extensions" and "lib" directories,
and additional configuration files. The environment variable for
explicitly defining this location has the same name, but you do not
need to set the GUACAMOLE_HOME environment variable nor the
guacamole.home system property if you are planning to use one of the
default locations for GUACAMOLE_HOME, such as the ".guacamole"
directory within the home directory of the tomcat user.

Explicitly setting GUACAMOLE_HOME or guacamole.home to
/usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole won't hurt anything (except maybe my
brain), but it's completely superfluous.

> If you're running 0.9.9 you should really consider upgrading.  First, I'm
> not sure when custom branding support was added in, but it may not work in
> that version, and, second, that's 4 releases behind the current version, and
> there have been lots of improvements since then.  0.9.13-incubating is the
> current released version, and then the git repo master will eventually be
> 0.9.14-incubating and has more changes/fixes on top of that.


- Mike

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