
I am trying to do some work with in memory Join Map Reduce implementation, 

it can be summarized as a a join between two data set, R and S, one of them is 
too large to fit into memory, the other one can fit into memory reasonably 
(size of R << size of S). The typical implementation 
1) distributes or broadcasts R to all map tasks (each mapper loads R in memory, 
hashed by join key). 
2) map (stream) over S, divide S into datums and use it as input to each map 
3) within each map task, for every tuple in S, look up join key in R
4) reduce computation is trivial

If anyone could point me to a good implementation that I could use a reference, 
that would be great.
I do plan to write my own implementation, but it would be helpful to take a 
look to see if there are established implementation out there, 


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