Hi all,

I'm trying to submit a mapreduce job remotely using job.submit()

I get the following:

[WARN ] org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient       » Use GenericOptionsParser
for parsing the arguments. Applications should implement Tool for the same.
[INFO ] org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient       » Cleaning up the staging
area hdfs://{namenode

and nothing happens...

I set the the mapred.job.tracker and changed permissions
for hadoop.tmp.dir. I also set "hadoop.job.ugi" as "hadoop,supergroup" but
some how I think that it's not making any difference.
The system submitting the job is running with another user, call it:
myusername and not hadoop.

I believe it is related to the user permissions but I can't seem to get it

Thanks for the help,


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