  Thanks again. I found RC1 for 2.1.0-beta available at
   Would this have the fix for YARN-521? and, can I use that?


On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Sandy Ryza <> wrote:

> Responses inline:
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 11:55 PM, Krishna Kishore Bonagiri <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Sandy,
>>   Thanks for the reply and it is good to know YARN-521 is done! Please
>> answer my following questions
>> 1) when is 2.1.0-beta going to be released? is it soon or do you suggest
>> me take it from the trunk or is there a recent release candidate available?
>> We're very close and my guess would be no later than the end of the
> month (don't hold me to this).
>> 2) I have recently changed my application to use the new Asynchronous
>> interfaces. I am hoping it works with that too, correct me if I am wrong.
> ContainerRequest is shared by the async interfaces as well so it should
> work here.
>> 3) Change in interface:
>> The old interface for ContainerRequest constructor used to be this:
>>  public ContainerRequest(Resource capability, String[] nodes,
>>         String[] racks, Priority priority, int containerCount);
>> where as now it is changed to
>> a) public ContainerRequest(Resource capability, String[] nodes,
>>         String[] racks, Priority priority)
>> &
>> b) public ContainerRequest(Resource capability, String[] nodes,
>>         String[] racks, Priority priority, boolean relaxLocality)
>> that means the old argument containerCount is gone! How would I be able
>> to specify how many containers do I need?
>> We now expect that you submit a ContainerRequest for each container you
> want.
>> -Kishore
>> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Sandy Ryza <>wrote:
>>> YARN-521, which brings whitelisting to the AMRMClient APIs, is now
>>> included in 2.1.0-beta.  Check out the doc for the relaxLocality paramater
>>> in ContainerRequest in AMRMClient:
>>>  and
>>> I can help clarify here if anything's confusing.
>>> -Sandy
>>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 2:54 AM, Krishna Kishore Bonagiri <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Sandy,
>>>>   Yes, I have been using AMRMClient APIs. I am planning to shift to
>>>> whatever way is this white list feature is supported with. But am not sure
>>>> what is meant by submitting ResourceRequests directly to RM. Can you please
>>>> elaborate on this or give me a pointer to some example code on how to do
>>>> it...
>>>>    Thanks for the reply,
>>>> -Kishore
>>>> On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 10:53 PM, Sandy Ryza <>wrote:
>>>>> Hi Krishna,
>>>>> From your previous email, it looks like you are using the AMRMClient
>>>>> APIs.  Support for whitelisting is not yet supported through them.  I am
>>>>> working on this in YARN-521, which should be included in the next release
>>>>> after 2.1.0-beta.  If you are submitting ResourceRequests directly to the
>>>>> RM, you can whitelist a node by
>>>>> * setting the relaxLocality flag on the node-level ResourceRequest to
>>>>> true
>>>>> * setting the relaxLocality flag on the corresponding rack-level
>>>>> ResourceRequest to false
>>>>> * setting the relaxLocality flag on the corresponding any-level
>>>>> ResourceRequest to false
>>>>> -Sandy
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 6:48 AM, Krishna Kishore Bonagiri <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>   Can someone please point to some example code of how to use the
>>>>>> whitelist feature of YARN, I have recently got RC1 for hadoop-2.1.0-beta
>>>>>> and want to use this feature.
>>>>>>   It would be great if you can point me to some description of what
>>>>>> this white listing feature is, I have gone through some JIRA logs related
>>>>>> to this but more concrete explanation would be helpful.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Kishore

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