It looks simple, :)

Shuffled Maps= Number of Map Tasks * Number of Reducers

Thanks and Regards,
Vinayakumar B

From: ch huang []
Sent: 11 December 2013 10:56
Subject: issue about Shuffled Maps in MR job summary

           i run terasort with 16 reducers and 8 reducers,when i double reducer 
number, the Shuffled maps is also double ,my question is the job only run 20 
map tasks (total input file is 10,and each file is 100M,my block size is 64M,so 
split is 20) why i need shuffle 160 maps in 8 reducers run and 320 maps in 16 
reducers run?how to caculate the shuffle maps number?

16 reducer summary output:

 Shuffled Maps =320

8 reducer summary output:

Shuffled Maps =160

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