figured it out. We were facing a scenario where some of the files had
replication factor more than the actual number of datanodes.

That is why the Namenode was unable to decommission the machine, since it
could not get the replica count settled.

Divye Sheth

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 6:33 PM, divye sheth <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using hadoop 0.20.2 and have decommissioned one of my servers. It has
> around 300G's of data which if I am correct will be distributed across the
> other machines and slowly all the blocks will be moved from the
> decommissioned machine.
> The issue I am facing is from the past 6hours I do not see any change in
> capacity of neither the machine which has been decommissioned nor the other
> machines.
> How should I verify if the decommissioning process is in progress?
> Note: Namanode says it has started decommission of the machine, even its
> UI show decommission in progress.
> Please help me out here.
> Thanks
> Divye Sheth

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