To my understanding, resource manager(RM) only knows the current active
host by its "long" name; if a host is not seen, it will assume it is not
active NOW.
when RM sees a short name, it doesn't know this is a short name for some
long name so it will not assign it to any node; but instead it will wait
for some other hosts to register as the short name (which will not happen);

*Stanley Shi,*

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:24 PM, REYANE OUKPEDJO <>wrote:

> There seems to be an issue with the container request when specifying the
> host name for the container. We recently tested and verify that a container
> request with short host name does not work, the Rresource Manager will
> accept the request and will never issue a container for that request. Also
> it will not tell there is an issue with the host name of the machine. When
>  the container request specifies the long host name , it will issue a
> container for that request. Is there any requirement that the each
> container request that specifies the hostname should use a full host  name
> ? If yes what is the reason for this ?
> Thank you.

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