  I am calling getAvailableResources() on AMRMClientAsync and getting -ve
value for the number virtual cores as below. Is there something wrong?

<memory:16110, vCores:-2>.

I have set the vcores in my yarn-site.xml like this, and just ran an
application that requires two containers other than the Application
Master's container. In the ContainerRequest setup from my
ApplicationMaster, I haven't set anything for virtual cores, means I didn't
call setVirtualCores() at all.

So, I think it shouldn't be showing a -ve value for the vcores, when I call
getAvailableResources(), am I wrong?

<description> Number of CPU cores that can be allocated for containers.
<name> yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores </name>
<value> 4 </value>


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