Hi guys

I have situation in which i have machine with 4 processor and i have 5 containers so does it mean i can have only 4 mappers running parallely at a time

and number of mappers is not dependent on the number of containers in a machine then what is the use of container concept

sorry if i have asked anything obvious.

On Wednesday 15 October 2014 09:10 AM, Y Z wrote:
On 10/14/2014 11:38 PM, Azuryy Yu wrote:
yes. it always supports hadoop pipe in v2.

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Y Z <zhaoyansw...@gmail.com <mailto:zhaoyansw...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks, Azuryy!

    I found some examples about Pipes. Is Hadoop Pipes still support
    in Hadoop 2.2?


    On 10/14/2014 11:20 PM, Azuryy Yu wrote:
    Hadoop streaming is the best option for you. It doesn't  has
    high I/O overhead if you don't add a high I/O in your c++ code.

    hadoop streaming use buidin MapReduce, it just redirect
    input/out stream for your c++ application.

    On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 10:33 PM, Y. Z. <zhaoyansw...@gmail.com
    <mailto:zhaoyansw...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hi Experts,

        I'm going to to do some computation-intensive operation
        under Hadoop framework. I'm wondering which is the best way
        to code in C++ under Hadoop framework? I'm aware of three
        options: Hadoop Streaming, Hadoop Pipes, and Hadoop C++
        Extension. I heard that Hadoop Pipes has/would be deprecated
        in Hadoop 2.*. I'm also not sure if Hadoop C++ Extension is
        still well maintained. Meanwhile, Hadoop Streaming has high
        I/O overhead.

        What are your opinions? Thanks!

-- Sincerely,
        Y. Z.

Sachin Gupta

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