Hi tim.  Id suggest using apache bigtop for this.

BigTop integrates the hadoop ecosystem into a single upstream distribution,
packages everything, curates smoke tests, vagrant, docker recipes for
Also, we curate a blueprint hadoop application (bigpetstore) which you
build yourself, easily, and can run to generate, process, and visualize the
bigdata ecosystem.

You can also easily deploy bigtop onto ec2 if you want to pay for it .

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Tim Dunphy <bluethu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
>  I want to setup an environment where I can teach myself hadoop. Usually
> the way I'll handle this is to grab a machine off the Amazon free tier and
> setup whatever software I want.
> However I realize that Hadoop is a memory intensive, big data solution. So
> what I'm wondering is, would a t2.micro instance be sufficient for setting
> up a cluster of hadoop nodes with the intention of learning it? To keep
> things running longer in the free tier I would either setup however many
> nodes as I want and keep them stopped when I'm not actively using them. Or
> just setup a few nodes with a few different accounts (with a different
> gmail address for each one.. easy enough to do).
> Failing that, what are some other free/cheap solutions for setting up a
> hadoop learning environment?
> Thanks,
> Tim
> --
> GPG me!!
> gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

jay vyas

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