Hello Ruslan,

Issues HDFS-5469 and HDFS-6056 implemented the nfs.export.point configuration 
property to control the export.



Does this look like what you need?

I don't see the property in our documentation.  If you can confirm that this is 
what you were looking for, then I'll enter a follow-up jira to make sure this 
information gets into our documentation.

I hope this helps.

--Chris Nauroth

From: Ruslan Dautkhanov <dautkha...@gmail.com<mailto:dautkha...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: "user@hadoop.apache.org<mailto:user@hadoop.apache.org>" 
Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 at 3:39 PM
To: "user@hadoop.apache.org<mailto:user@hadoop.apache.org>" 
Subject: HDFS NFS gateway - export only a specific directory


HDFS NFS Gateway by default exports / (root, whole HDFS)

Could not find a way to export just a subdirectory within HDFS.

Looked at
and at

$ showmount -e <nfs_server_ip_address>

You should see output similar to the following:

Exports list on <nfs_server_ip_address>:
/ (everyone)

Any ideas if this is possible to export through NFS gwateway a specific HDFS 

Best regards,
Ruslan Dautkhanov

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