The question is better suited for sqoop mailing list. 

Meanwhile, you can search for past threads / JIRAs on this subject. 

> On Feb 2, 2016, at 5:28 AM, Arun Pandian <> wrote:
> How to create sqoop import  mysql to hive partition , this is my code
> sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/arun  --table account 
> --username root --password hadoop -m 1  --hive-partition-key "name" 
> --hive-partition-value "arun" --hive-database company  --create-hive-table  
> --hive-table account5  --target-dir /user/sqooptest21
> mysql database is arun,
> table is account
> select * from account;
> +----+-------+------+------------+---------+
> | id | name  | age  | joindate   | namess  |
> +----+-------+------+------------+---------+
> |  1 | Arun  |   23 | 29-01-2016 | super   |
> |  2 | Mani  |   22 | 30-01-2016 | superb  |
> |  3 | Sana  |   25 | 20-01-2016 | superbb |
> |  4 | Vicky |   24 | 02-02-2016 | supervb |
> |  5 | Vis   |   23 | 30-05-2016 | super   |
> +----+-------+------+------------+---------+
> i need clear explanation for sqoop import mysql to hive
> Thanks & Regards
> Arunpandian.l
> Associate Developer

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