
I guess you can get it from http://<resourcemanager-host>:<rm-port>/jmx or

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sidharthkumar2792

On 13-Jun-2017 6:26 PM, "Shmuel Blitz" <shmuel.bl...@similarweb.com> wrote:

> (This question has also been published on StackOveflow
> <https://stackoverflow.com/q/44484940/416300>)
> I am looking for a way to monitor memory usage of YARN containers over
> time.
> Specifically - given a YARN application-id, how can you get a graph,
> showing the memory usage of each of its containers over time?
> The main goal is to better fit memory allocation requirements for our YARN
> applications (Spark / Map-Reduce), to avoid over allocation and cluster
> resource waste. A side goal would be the ability to debug memory issues
> when developing our jobs and attempting to pick reasonable resource
> allocations.
> We've tried using the Data-Dog integration, But it doesn't break down the
> metrics by container.
> Another approach was to parse the hadoop-yarn logs. These logs have
> messages like:
> Memory usage of ProcessTree 57251 for container-id
> container_e116_1495951495692_35134_01_000001: 1.9 GB of 11 GB physical
> memory used; 14.4 GB of 23.1 GB virtual memory used
> Parsing the logs correctly can yield data that can be used to plot a graph
> of memory usage over time.
> That's exactly what we want, but there are two downsides:
> It involves reading human-readable log lines and parsing them into numeric
> data. We'd love to avoid that.
> If this data can be consumed otherwise, we're hoping it'll have more
> information that we might be interest in in the future. We wouldn't want to
> put the time into parsing the logs just to realize we need something else.
> Is there any other way to extract these metrics, either by plugging in to
> an existing producer or by writing a simple listener?
> Perhaps a whole other approach?
> --
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