The JMX servlet query for 'RMNMInfo' done via
/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=RMNMInfo returns a
LiveNodeManagers bean whose value is a JSON-parseable string of all
currently-tracked NodeManagers and their actual states (UNHEALTHY,
RUNNING, etc.).

You can also use the 'yarn node -list' command to retrieve similar
information from a CLI.
On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 8:48 AM Huang Meilong <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm building a system to monitor my hadoop cluster, I can get metrics about 
> the cluster via hadoop 
> metrics(
> ClusterMetrics
> ClusterMetrics shows the metrics of the YARN cluster from the 
> ResourceManager’s perspective. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as 
> additional information along with metrics.
> Name Description
> NumActiveNMs Current number of active NodeManagers
> NumDecommissionedNMs Current number of decommissioned NodeManagers
> NumLostNMs Current number of lost NodeManagers for not sending heartbeats
> NumUnhealthyNMs Current number of unhealthy NodeManagers
> NumRebootedNMs Current number of rebooted NodeManagers
> How can I find out which nodemangers are unhealthy and which are lost? Better 
> if  it could be achieved by calling jmx rest api or hadoop command.
> Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you.

Harsh J

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