I think it is not possible,

Even if we think logically, how can you tell 1 cpu to use only 30% to
complete one task. one CPU always do one task at a time.
Using fraction of cpu to do a task doesn't make scence.

But you can over subscribe the cpu based on the need. We over subscribed 2x
on our production it is working well for us.

On Fri 26 Apr, 2019, 10:29 PM Michael Patel, <l648...@163.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Using Hadoop 2.X (Hadoop 2.7.2).
> Can anyone give me some idea as to how YARN guarantee the fraction of CPU
> of one container in Hadoop 2.X. For example, we only have one core, we give
> one container 0.3 core and we give another container 0.7 core. How this
> fraction is guaranteed in hadoop by the implementation of hadoop? That
> means the first container get exactly 0.3 CPU time and the second container
> get exactly 0.7 CPU time.
> Best,
> Michael Patel

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