I've never understood the fixation of staying on 2.x versions of Hadoop. The Apache Group folks who attend to Hadoop - there are only so many of them and their time and attention have to be spread among both new development and bug fixes in both branches. At some point, any effort directed toward 2.x at all comes at the detriment of effort directed toward 3.x. I started working with Hadoop in spring of 2018 and at that point, it seemed that irrespective of where Cloudera and Hortonworks were with their products - which I wasn't going to be using anyway - the two branches functioned differently enough and 3.x was far enough along in its lifetime that I would be far better off if I skipped right past 2.x.

Another factor in this decision was that past experience with Tomcat (another Apache Group effort) demonstrated that their developers didn't have much patience with folks who were working with old versions of Tomcat; they'd even backed out of one minor branch altogether and would actually stand down from helping you with your problems with it if that's what you were insisting on using.

On 7/25/19 9:07 AM, Wei-Chiu Chuang wrote:
My bad -- Didn't realize I was looking at the old Hadoop page.
Here's the correct list of releases. https://hadoop.apache.org/releases.html

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 12:49 AM ??????(Duo Zhang) <palomino...@gmail.com <mailto:palomino...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    IIRC we have a 2.8.5 release?

    On the download page:

    2.8.5 2018 Sep 15

    Wei-Chiu Chuang <weic...@apache.org <mailto:weic...@apache.org>>
    ???2019???7???25????????? ??????9:39?????????

    > The last 2.8 release (2.8.4) was made in the last May, more than
    a year
    > ago. https://hadoop.apache.org/old/releases.html
    > How do folks feel about the fate of branch-2.8? During the last
    > meetup in June, it sounds like most users are still on 2.8 or
    even 2.7, so
    > I don't think we want to abandon 2.8 just yet.
    > I would personally want to urge folks to move up to 3.x, so I
    can stop
    > cherrypicking stuff all the way down into 2.8. But it's not up
    to me along
    > to decide :)
    > How do people feel about having another 2.8 release or two? I am
    not saying
    > I want to drive it, but I want to raise the awareness that folks
    are still
    > on 2.8 and there's not been an update for over a year.
    > Thoughts?

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