
I am creating a custom input format that extends FileInputFormat (
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat). I used the new
hadoop API - hadoop-mapreduce-client-ore 2.8.3 and I am running this on AWS

My intention is to spread the input files among the hosts, in a way each
host gets similar sum of file sizes. File sizes are directly proportional
to processing time in my case and the more uniform the distribution of
bytes among the slave nodes, the better.

Please find bellow my scala code on `getSplits` that does that.

My problem - I was expecting the function `listAllHosts` to be able to get
the full list of active trackers from the block locations, but for my
surprise, at run time I got a list with a single element: "*".

How could I possibly get the full list of active trackers from inside the
input format?

My code:

override def getSplits(job: JobContext): java.util.List[InputSplit] = {
  val fileStatusList: List[FileStatus] = listStatus(job).toList

  logger.info(s"all files to process = ${fileStatusList.map(status =>
(status.getPath.getName, status.getLen)).mkString(",")}")

  val allHosts = listAllHosts(job.getConfiguration, fileStatusList)
  logger.info(s"all hosts on cluster = $allHosts")

  def lenOf(fileStatus: FileStatus): Long = fileStatus.getLen

  val distributedFiles =
fileStatusList, lenOf)
  //1 split per file, 1 file per host
  distributedFiles.map {
    case (status, hosts) => new FileSplit(status.getPath, 0,
status.getLen, hosts.toArray)

private def listAllHosts(conf: Configuration, statusList:
List[FileStatus]): List[String] = {
  val blockLocationArrays: List[Array[BlockLocation]] = statusList.map {
    case locatedFileStatus: LocatedFileStatus =>
    case other: FileStatus =>
other.getPath.getFileSystem(conf).getFileBlockLocations(other, 0,


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