Hello. I would appreciate any help on this matter. Thanks

On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 1:30 PM Mohammad Aghanabi <m.webs...@gmail.com>

> Hello.
> I read in a few articles like [1] that we can obtain data block stats from
> "historical data access recorder from the NameNode log file" or in another
> paper it's stated that frequent data blocks can be determined using
> NameNode provided logs.
> I searched for related information on hadoop.apache.org but didn't find
> anything. I read about job counters, fsimage, edit logs, audit logs... but
> nothing related to a metric that represents "frequently accessed data
> blocks" of DataNodes.
> I'd appreciate any help on whether this kind of stat is being collected by
> a component or not.
> Thank you
> [1] Jia-xuan Wu, Chang-sheng Zhang, Bin Zhang, Peng Wang, "A new
> data-grouping-aware dynamic data placement method that take into account
> jobs execute frequency for Hadoop", Microprocessors and Microsystems,
> Volume 47, Part A, 2016, Pages 161-169

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