This kind of issue was discussed a couple of times on this mailing
list. Basically, you can play with hbase.client.pause and
hbase.client.retries.number but you won't find this satisfactory,
which is why we opened


On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Justin Cohen <> wrote:
> Is there a way to configure hbase.client call timeouts?  If we have a
> network outage or if hbase/zk goes down for some reason, we want our
> table.puts to timeout reasonably (5-15 seconds) so we can queue them up for
> later.  We also want scans and gets to timeout so we can fail gracefully.
>  I've played with some of the retries and pause configs but I can't seem to
> get a consistent timeout. It's often over 30 seconds, and occasionally it
> never times out.
> Also, when hbase does come back, there seems to be a good 30-60 second delay
> before we can contact region servers.
> Right now I'm testing this using hbase in standalone mode, bring up and down
> and
> Any tips?
> Justin

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