Hi guys,

More and more data in our company is moving from mysql tables to hbase
and more and more worried I am about the "no backups" situation with
that data. I've started looking for possible solutions to backup the
data and found two major options:
1) distcp of /hbase directory somewhere
2) HBASE-1684

So, I have a few questions for hbase "users":
1) How do you backup your small (up to a hundred gb) tables?
2) How do you backup your huge (terabytes in size) tables?

And a question for hbase developers: what kind of problems could cause
a distcp from a non-locked hbase table (there is no way to lock table
writes while backing it up AFAIU)? I understand I could lose writes
made after I begin the backup, but if my distcp takes an hour to
complete, I imagine lots of things will happen on the filesystem
during this period of time. Will hbase be able to recover from this
kind of mess?

Thanks a lot for your comments.

Alexey Kovyrin

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