We had a weird problem when we accidentally kept old jars (0.20.4) around and tried to connect to hbase 0.89. Zookeeper would connect but no data would be sent. That may not be your problem, but it is something to watch out for.


On 9/7/2010 4:18 PM, Taylor, Ronald C wrote:
Hello folks,

We've just installed Hbase 0.89 on a 24-node cluster running Hadoop 0.20.2 here 
at our government lab.

Got a problem. The Hbase interactive shell works fine. I  can create a table 
with a column family, add a couple rows, get the rows back out.  Also, the 
Hbase web site on our cluster at


  doesn't appear (to our untrained eyes) to show anything going wrong

However, the Hbase programs that I used on another cluster that ran an earlier 
version of Hbase no longer run. I altered such a program to use the new API, 
and it compiles fine. However, when I try to run it, I get the error msgs seen 

So - I downloaded the sample 0.89 Hbase program from the Hbase web site and tried that, simply altering the 
table name used to "peptideTable", column family to "f1", and column to "name".

The interactive shell shows that the table and data are there . But the 
slightly altered program from the Hbase web site, while compiling fine, again 
shows the same errors as I got using my own Hbase program. I've tried running 
the programs in both my own 'rtaylor' account, and in the 'hbase' account - I 
get the same errors.

So my colleague Tim and I think we missed something in the install.

I have appended the test program in full below, followed by the error msgs that 
it generated. Lastly, I have appended a screen dump of the contents of the web 
page at

  on our cluster.

  We would very much appreciate some guidance.

     Ron Taylor
Ronald Taylor, Ph.D.
Computational Biology&  Bioinformatics Group
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999, Mail Stop J4-33
Richland, WA  99352 USA
Office:  509-372-6568
Email: ronald.tay...@pnl.gov


Contents of MyLittleHBaseClient.java:

import java.io.IOException;

// javac MyLittleHBaseClient.java
// javac -Xlint MyLittleHBaseClient.java

// java MyLittleHBaseClient

import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;

// Class that has nothing but a main.
// Does a Put, Get and a Scan against an hbase table.

public class MyLittleHBaseClient {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

         // You need a configuration object to tell the client where to connect.
         // When you create a HBaseConfiguration, it reads in whatever you've 
         // into your hbase-site.xml and in hbase-default.xml, as long as these 
         // be found on the CLASSPATH
         HBaseConfiguration config = new HBaseConfiguration();

         // This instantiates an HTable object that connects you to
         // the "myLittleHBaseTable" table.
         HTable table = new HTable(config, "peptideTable");

         // To add to a row, use Put.  A Put constructor takes the name of the 
         // you want to insert into as a byte array.  In HBase, the Bytes class 
         // utility for converting all kinds of java types to byte arrays.  In 
         // below, we are converting the String "myLittleRow" into a byte array 
         // use as a row key for our update. Once you have a Put instance, you 
         // adorn it by setting the names of columns you want to update on the 
         // the timestamp to use in your update, etc.If no timestamp, the server
         // applies current time to the edits.
         Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("2001"));

         // To set the value you'd like to update in the row 'myLittleRow', 
         // the column family, column qualifier, and value of the table cell 
         // like to update.  The column family must already exist in your table
         // schema.  The qualifier can be anything.  All must be specified as 
         // arrays as hbase is all about byte arrays.  Lets pretend the table
         // 'myLittleHBaseTable' was created with a family 'myLittleFamily'.
         p.add(Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("name"),

         // Once you've adorned your Put instance with all the updates you want 
         // make, to commit it do the following (The HTable#put method takes the
         // Put instance you've been building and pushes the changes you made 
         // hbase)

         // Now, to retrieve the data we just wrote. The values that come back 
         // Result instances. Generally, a Result is an object that will 
package up
         // the hbase return into the form you find most palatable.
         Get g = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("2001"));
         Result r = table.get(g);
         byte [] value = r.getValue(Bytes.toBytes("f1"),
         // If we convert the value bytes, we should get back 'Some Value', the
         // value we inserted at this location.
         String valueStr = Bytes.toString(value);
         System.out.println("GET: " + valueStr);

         // Sometimes, you won't know the row you're looking for. In this case, 
         // use a Scanner. This will give you cursor-like interface to the 
         // of the table.  To set up a Scanner, do like you did above making a 
         // and a Get, create a Scan.  Adorn it with column names, etc.
         Scan s = new Scan();
         s.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("name"));
         ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(s);
         try {
             // Scanners return Result instances.
             // Now, for the actual iteration. One way is to use a while loop 
like so:
             for (Result rr = scanner.next(); rr != null; rr = scanner.next()) {
                 // print out the row we found and the columns we were looking 
                 System.out.println("Found row: " + rr);

             // The other approach is to use a foreach loop. Scanners are 
             // for (Result rr : scanner) {
             //   System.out.println("Found row: " + rr);
             // }
         } finally {
             // Make sure you close your scanners when you are done!
             // Thats why we have it inside a try/finally clause


Error msgs seen:

[rtay...@h01 Sid]$ java MyLittleHBaseClient

10/09/07 14:09:51 WARN hbase.HBaseConfiguration: instantiating 
HBaseConfiguration() is deprecated. Please use HBaseConfiguration#create() to 
construct a plain Configura\
10/09/07 14:09:51 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeperWrapper: Reconnecting to zookeeper
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
environment:zookeeper.version=3.3.1-942149, built on 05/07/2010 17:14 GMT
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client environment:java.vendor=Sun 
Microsystems Inc.
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client environment:os.name=Linux
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client environment:os.arch=i386
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client environment:user.name=rtaylor
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Client 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection, 
connectString=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=60000 
10/09/07 14:09:52 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to 
server localhost/
10/09/07 14:09:52 WARN zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session 0x0 for server null, 
unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
         at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.checkConnect(Native Method)
         at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn$SendThread.run(ClientCnxn.java:1078)
10/09/07 14:09:53 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to 
server localhost/
10/09/07 14:09:53 WARN zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session 0x0 for server null, 
unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

  .... (long section skiipped - just the same msgs as seen above and below)

10/09/07 14:38:31 WARN zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session 0x0 for server null, 
unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
         at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.checkConnect(Native Method)
         at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn$SendThread.run(ClientCnxn.java:1078)
10/09/07 14:38:32 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to 
server localhost/
10/09/07 14:38:32 WARN zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session 0x0 for server null, 
unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
         at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.checkConnect(Native Method)
         at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn$SendThread.run(ClientCnxn.java:1078)
10/09/07 14:38:34 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to 
server localhost/
10/09/07 14:38:34 WARN zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session 0x0 for server null, 
unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
         at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.checkConnect(Native Method)
         at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn$SendThread.run(ClientCnxn.java:1078)
10/09/07 14:38:36 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to 
server localhost/
10/09/07 14:38:36 WARN zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session 0x0 for server null, 
unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
         at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.checkConnect(Native Method)
         at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn$SendThread.run(ClientCnxn.java:1078)
10/09/07 14:38:36 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Session: 0x0 closed
[rtay...@h01 Sid]$


Screen dump from


Master Attributes

Attribute Name  Value   Description

HBase Version   0.89.20100726, r979826  HBase version and svn revision

HBase Compiled  Sat Jul 31 02:01:58 PDT 2010, stack     When HBase version was 
compiled and by whom

Hadoop Version  0.20.3-append-r964955-1240, r960957     Hadoop version and svn 

Hadoop Compiled Fri Jul 16 14:34:43 PDT 2010, Stack     When Hadoop version was 
compiled and by whom

HBase Root Directory    hdfs://h01.emsl.pnl.gov:9000/scratch/hbase      
Location of HBase home directory

Load average    0.20833333333333334     Average number of regions per 
regionserver. Naive computation.

Regions On FS   5       Number of regions on FileSystem. Rough count.

Zookeeper Quorum        
  Addresses of all registered ZK servers. For more, see zk dump</zk.jsp>.

Catalog Tables

Table   Description

-ROOT-<table.jsp?name=-ROOT->    The -ROOT- table holds references to all 
.META. regions.

.META.<table.jsp?name=.META.>    The .META. table holds references to all User 
Table regions

User Tables

Table   Description

fulltable<table.jsp?name=fulltable>      {NAME =>  'fulltable', FAMILIES =>  [{NAME =>  
 '3', TTL =>  '2147483647', BLOCKSIZE =>  '65536', IN_MEMORY =>  'false', BLOCKCACHE =>  'true'}]}

peptideTable<table.jsp?name=peptideTable>        {NAME =>  'peptideTable', FAMILIES =>  [{NAME =>  
=>  '2147483647', BLOCKSIZE =>  '65536', IN_MEMORY =>  'false', BLOCKCACHE =>  'true'}]}

pseudoetable<table.jsp?name=pseudoetable>        {NAME =>  'pseudoetable', FAMILIES =>  [{NAME =>  
=>  '3', TTL =>  '2147483647', BLOCKSIZE =>  '65536', IN_MEMORY =>  'false', BLOCKCACHE =>  'true'}]}
3 table(s) in set.

Region Servers

         Address Start Code      Load

         h02.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h02.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897506 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=24, maxHeap=996

         h03.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h03.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897225 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=22, maxHeap=996

         h04.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h04.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897511 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=33, maxHeap=996

         h05.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h05.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897452 
  requests=0, regions=1, usedHeap=32, maxHeap=996

         h06.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h06.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897259 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=32, maxHeap=996

         h07.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h07.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897274 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=23, maxHeap=996

         h08.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h08.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897531 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=25, maxHeap=996

         h09.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h09.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897283 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=32, maxHeap=996

         h10.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h10.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897520 
  requests=0, regions=1, usedHeap=25, maxHeap=996

         h11.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h11.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897521 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=29, maxHeap=996

         h12.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h12.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897310 
  requests=0, regions=1, usedHeap=25, maxHeap=996

         h13.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h13.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897367 
  requests=0, regions=1, usedHeap=25, maxHeap=996

         h14.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h14.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897365 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=30, maxHeap=996

         h15.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h15.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897379 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=23, maxHeap=996

         h16.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h16.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897434 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=32, maxHeap=996

         h17.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h17.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897507 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=31, maxHeap=996

         h18.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h18.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897413 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=30, maxHeap=996

         h19.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h19.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897412 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=29, maxHeap=996

         h20.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h20.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897394 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=30, maxHeap=996

         h22.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h22.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897415 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=30, maxHeap=996

         h23.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h23.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897397 
  requests=0, regions=1, usedHeap=28, maxHeap=996

         h24.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h24.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897475 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=23, maxHeap=996

         h25.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h25.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897466 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=31, maxHeap=996

         h26.emsl.pnl.gov:60030<http://h26.emsl.pnl.gov:60030/>   1282848897469 
  requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=30, maxHeap=996


servers: 24             requests=0, regions=5

Load is requests per second and count of regions loaded

Jeff Whiting
Qualtrics Senior Software Engineer

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