Are endrows inclusive or exclusive? The docs say exclusive, but then the
question arises as to how to form the last split for getSplits(). The
code below runs fine, but I believe it is omitting some rows, perhaps
b/c of the exclusive end row. For the final split, should the endrow be
null? I tried that, and got what appeared to be a final split without an
endrow at all. Would appreciate a pointer to the correct implementation
of getSplits in which I desire to provide a startrow, endrow, and
splitsize. Apparently this isn't it J :


int splitSize = context.getConfiguration().getInt("splitsize", 1000);

                byte[] splitStop = null;

                String hostname = null;

                while ((results =
> 0) {

                    //   System.out.println("results
:-------------------------- "+results);

                    byte[] splitStart = results[0].getRow();

                    splitStop = results[results.length - 1].getRow();
//I think this is a problem...we don't actually include this row in the
split since it's exclusive..revisit this and correct

                    HRegionLocation location =

                    hostname =

                    InputSplit split = new
TableSplit(table.getTableName(), splitStart, splitStop, hostname);


                    System.out.println("initializing splits: " +






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