(For 2) I think the hash function should work in the shell if it
returns a string type (like what '' defines in-place).

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Eric Charles
<eric.char...@u-mangate.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> To help avoid hotspots, I'm planning to use hashed keys in some tables.
> 1. I wonder if this strategy is adviced for range queries (from/to key) use
> case, because the rows will be randomly distributed in different regions.
> Will it cause some performance loose?
> 2. Is it possible to query from hbase shell with something like "get 't1',
> @hash('r1')", to let the shell compute the hash for you from the readable
> key.
> 3. There are MD5 and Jenkins classes in hbase.util package. What would you
> advice? what about SHA1?
> Tks,
> - Eric
> PS: I searched the archive but didn't find the answers.

Harsh J

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