I have a 12-node hbase cluster setup with 3 nodes as a part of zookeeper
I am able to run hbase shell, create tables.. and able to access tables in
the shell.

Now I am configuring pig to use hbase. While accessing records using pig, it
is giving some Zookeeper exception and saying to check the zookeeper logs.

I am sending the latest zookeeper logs of the 3 nodes along with
Can anyone help me figuring out whether everything is okay with my zookeeper
and if not, what is the issue ?

Hbase-site.xml ---> http://pastebin.com/8aJ7D54T

Zookeeper log on ub11 --->  http://pastebin.com/HMuL9aCJ
Zookeeper log on ub12 --->  http://pastebin.com/8XdmVmDW
Zookeeper log on ub13 --->  http://pastebin.com/2373Rrat


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