To be on the safe side, you probably want to double-check this.

On 8/17/11 3:00 AM, "Hari Sreekumar" <> wrote:

>I want to separate my application machines from the HBase cluster. So far,
>we have always run the application from one of the machines which is also
>part of the cluster. How can I separate them? I tried specifying the DB
>machines $HADOOP_HOME/conf and $HBASE_HOME/conf folders in the classpath.
>But then, I get this exception:
>Unable to determine ZooKeeper ensemble
>    at
>    at
>    at
>    at
>    at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable.<init>(
>    at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable.<init>(
>How do I get around this?

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