Hello HBasers,

Hadoop World 2011 (Nov 8th & 9th) is coming up soon and a bunch of Hadoop
and HBase users would be attending it. We are having a meetup the evening
before Hadoop World (Nov 7th) to talk about HBase and Hadoop topics that are
not going being covered in the Hadoop World sessions.

The details of the meetup are as follows:

Date: Nov 7th 2011
Time: 6pm - 8:30pm (we can hang out after that if people want to)
Venue: AppNexus, 28 West 23rd St, 5th Floor, New York, NY

The intention is to have 3-4 short talks (~15 mins each), followed by some
unconference style sessions. If you are interested in giving a talk or
suggesting a topic that you would want to discuss there, let us know. It
would be awesome to hear about your use cases, experiences, challenges,
learnings etc with HBase.

You can RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/hbaseusergroup/events/35682812/

And if you haven't yet registered for Hadoop World, you can do that here ->

See you there!


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