Hi, Costin:
I work on HBase.

I went over
didn't have time to download the source code.

Is there a typo: 'does more then easily'
Should 'then' be 'than' ?

For the following config:
<hdp:hbase-configuration stop-proxy="false" delete-connection="true" />

May I ask what would the proxies do without HBase connection ?

What HBase version does SHDP work with ? I assume it is 0.90.x
0.92 is coming out in January which has more features than 0.90.x

If there is anything desirable from HBase, please let us know.
We will try to accommodate your requests.


On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 1:53 AM, Costin Leau <costin.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Costin Leau and I'm the lead of Spring Hadoop (SHDP) project.
> SHDP provides DI support allowing basic POJOs to be used as
> mapper/reducers. This feature is currently developed on a dedicated
> branch [1] and we plan to merge it in master in the near future.
> In addition to the pojo/DI support, you might be interested in the SHDP
> integration with HBase/Hive/Pig - see [2]
> Everything is open-source, under ASL 2, available on github. We plan to
> release the milestone in Jan/Feb 2012.
> Feedback and ideas are more then welcome!
> [1] https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-hadoop/tree/mr-pojo
> [2] http://static.springsource.org/spring-hadoop/docs/current/reference/
> Hope this helps,
> --
> Costin

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