On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Cristofer Weber <
cristofer.we...@neogrid.com> wrote:

> For the other adapters (Cassandra, Cassandra + Thrift, Cassandra +
> Astyanax, etc) they managed to run tests as Internal and External for unit
> tests and also have a profile for Performance and Concurrent tests, where
> External and Performance/Concurrent runs over a live database instance and
> only with Internal tests it is expected to start a database per test case,
> remaining the same tests as in External. HBase adapter already have
> External and Performance/Concurrent so I'm trying to provide the Internal
> set where the objective is to test Titan|HBase interaction.

Understood, thanks for sharing the context.

And my goal is to achieve better times than Cassandra :-)
> Singleton seems to be a good option, but I have to check if Maven Surefire
> can keep same process between JUnit Test Cases.

It should be ok with the parameter "forkMode=once" in surefire.

Because Titan work with adapters for different databases and manage
> table/CF creation when not exists, I think it will not be possible to
> prefix table names per test without changing some core components of Titan,
> and it seems to be too invasive to change this now, and deletion is fast
> enough so we can keep same table.

It's useful on an external cluster, as you can't fully rely on the clean up
when a test fails nastily, or if you want to analyse the content. It won't
be such an issue on a mini cluster, as it's recreated between the test runs.


You're welcome. Keep us updated, and tell us if you have issues.

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