File a JIRA ?


On Apr 10, 2013, at 2:30 AM, Asaf Mesika <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In the file, there's the following code section used
> to load a coprocessor jar:
>      fs.copyToLocalFile(path, dst);
>      File tmpLocal = new File(dst.toString());
>      tmpLocal.deleteOnExit();
> There's an assumption here that the JVM will gracefully shutdown (as
> opposed to machine went dead, kill -9, OutOfMemory which cause kill -9 in
> plain vanilla HBase).
> If this happens, the temp jar and CRC files will remain there.
> We saw in a production environment a case where there were 300k files there
> (only jar and crc files releated to our coprocessor jar filename).
> It seems right to me, to add code section which deletes the stale files
> upon startup of the region server (just deletes all *.jar before a certain
> timestamp). Or better - place them in /tmp/hbase, and delete the contents
> of this folder upon startup.
> What do you think?

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