Hi all,

  I am New to Hbase(Hadoop), and i am working on hbase with standalone
mode.My java application running well for some time, after that it displays

INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Client session timed out, have not heard from
server in 29946ms for sessionid 0x13e88be25cc0004, closing socket
connection and attempting reconnect

and continuing this message.Then my application will not communicate with

I have Searched in net,but could not found any stuff to resolve this
issue.Please guide me.I want to know...

1.what is the cause of  Client session timed out.(and client session

2.How zookeeper and master and client will communicate in standalone mode
as well as in distributed mode.

3.If there are any configurations to modify please let me know.

Thanks & Regards.

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