What are you trying to do?  Do you want hex keys or decimal keys?  Usually
you'll want keys fixed-length and zero-padded if you don't want to be
surprised by how they sort.


On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 3:28 AM, Mohamed Ghareb <m.ghar...@tedata.net>wrote:

> Kindly when I create new tables with presplitting region,
> I need to use the firstrow & lastrow argument, my question if my key is
> number "integer" can I put start & end row with decimal number or I need to
> convert it to hexadecimal number
> hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RegionSplitter tablename HexStringSplit
> --firstrow 9990 --lastrow 3000000 -c 5

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