Not sure what you are asking but if you want to know the size of a store
file, you can use this method,

One such usage is here,

It gets the sizes of all the store files, I believe thats what you are
asking! Please correct me if I'm wrong,

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 12:37 PM, Upendra Yadav <>wrote:

> Is hbase call delete request for old hfile(storeFile) file if minor/major
> compaction happen for them and generate new hfile and store it in hdfs.
> for minor compaction how it will get size of every hfile. lets we have 20
> no. of hfiles for a CF and minor compaction wants to perform. Will it
> download all hfile and decide compaction have to do or not. Or it have
> in-memory hfile's size information for all hfile.

Bharath Vissapragada

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