Is there any approach HBASE can store archive like rarely used files on
cheap storage?

That's a vague question. If I may elaborate...

Our current office stores terabytes of well structured log data on s3 to
save cost. The other day I was asked to process all these files. These
files are still used for Analytics and other decision making. The logs come
from a RTB (Real Time Bidding) system.

Now ideally these files would have been on HDFS, but would incur large
storage costs over time since they are only occasionally used but the
servers need to be up and running to store them.

By context of Big Data, aren't these files big date files? If so is there a
cheap way of storing them on HBASE? For example, write  a storage adapter
of sorts.

I'm really sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this. Thanks in
advance :)

R. A.
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