For #2, region.getClosestRowBefore() calls store.getRowKeyAtOrBefore(row)

Take a look at HStore#getRowKeyAtOrBefore() (around line 1619):

      Iterator<StoreFile> sfIterator = this.storeEngine


      while (sfIterator.hasNext()) {

        StoreFile sf =;

        sfIterator.remove(); // Remove sf from iterator.

        boolean haveNewCandidate = rowAtOrBeforeFromStoreFile(sf, state);

In short, I/O is likely in this code path.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Bora, Venu <> wrote:

> Hello,
> We have a requirement to determine whether a PUT will create a new row or
> update an existing one. I looked at using preBatchMutate in a co-processor
> and have the code below.
> Few things I need to ask:
> 1) Is there a more efficient way of doing this?
> 2) Will region.getClosestRowBefore() add additional IO to go to disk? or
> will the row be in memory since the row lock was already acquired before
> preBatchMutate is called?
> 3) Will region.getClosestRowBefore() always give the correct result? Or
> are there scenarios where the previous state will not be visible?
>     @Override
>     public void
> preBatchMutate(ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> c,
> MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Mutation> miniBatchOp) throws IOException {
>         for (int i = 0; i < miniBatchOp.size(); i++) {
>             Mutation operation = miniBatchOp.getOperation(i);
>             byte[] rowKey = operation.getRow();
>             NavigableMap<byte[], List<Cell>> familyCellMap =
> operation.getFamilyCellMap();
>             for (Entry<byte[], List<Cell>> entry :
> familyCellMap.entrySet()) {
>                 for (Iterator<Cell> iterator =
> entry.getValue().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
>                     Cell cell =;
>                     byte[] family = CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell);
>                     Result closestRowBefore =
> c.getEnvironment().getRegion().getClosestRowBefore(rowKey, family);
>                     // closestRowBefore would return null if there is not
> record for the rowKey and family
>                     if (closestRowBefore != null) {
>                         // PUT is doing an update for the given rowKey,
> family
>                     } else {
>                         // PUT is doing an insert for the given rowKey,
> family
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>         super.preBatchMutate(c, miniBatchOp);
>     }
> Thanks
> Venu Bora
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