For Example for table 'test_table', Values inserted are:

Row1 - Val1 => t
Row1 - Val2 => t + 3
Row1 - Val3 => t + 5

Row2 - Val1 => t
Row2 - Val2 => t + 3
Row2 - Val3 => t + 5

on scan 'test_table' where version = t + 4 should return
Row1 - Val1 => t + 3
Row2 - Val2 => t + 3

How do i achieve time stamp based scans?.

Thanks and Regards,

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Krishna Kalyan <>

> Hi,
> Is it possible to do a
> select * from <table_name> where version = "somedate" ; using HBase APIs?.
> (Scanning for values where version <= "somedate" )
> Could you please direct me to appropriate links to achieve this?.
> Regards,
> Krishna

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