Hi, all,

Recently, one of our HBase 0.98.5 instance meet with issues: when run some 
specific workload, all region servers will suddenly shut down at same time, but 
master is still running. When I check the log, in master log, I can see 
messages like
2014-12-01 08:28:11,072 DEBUG [main-EventThread] master.ServerManager: 
Added=n008.cluster,60020,1417413986550 to dead servers, submitted shutdown 
handler to be executed meta=false
And on n008, regionserver log file, there is no ERROR message, the last log 
entry looks very like a ZooKeeper startup message. The log just stopped with 
that last ZooKeeper startup message, and the Region Server process was gone 
when we check with 'jps'.

We then increased the heap size of regionserver, and it work fine. RegionServer 
no longer disappear. So we doubt there was a Out Of Memory issue, so the region 
server processes are killed. But my questions are:

1.       What log message will indicate there is a OOM? Since the region server 
is 'kill -9', so I think there is no message can tell this.

2.       If there is no typical log message about OOM, then how can an admin 
make sure there is a region server OOM happened? We just guess, but can not 
make sure. We hope there is a method to tell OOM occured for sure.

3.       Does the Zookeeper message appears every time with RegionServer OOM 
(if it is a OOM). Or it is just a random event just in our system?

So in sum, I want to know what is the typical clue that people can make sure 
there is a OOM issue in HBase region server?

Thank you,

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