You can convert xml to json using map-reduce program and then store json
into HBase but you need to decide what should be your row key.

Another point you have to take into account is that if you want to search
anything inside json or not. If you want to search inside json then HBase
won't be best option for you. Probably you can switch to MongoDB or some
other document store.

Hope it helps...

On 04-Jan-2015 3:32 PM, "Shashidhar Rao" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Can someone guide me if the solution I am proposing is a feasible option or
> not
> 1. Large xml data is delivered through external system.
> 2. Convert these into json format.
> 3. Store it into HBASE ,even though there will be hardly any updates , only
> retrieval. I have looked at Hive but finally had to decide against it as
> retrieval would be slow.
> 4. Need to use Hadoop Nosql as other components are all using Hadoop
> ecosystem.
> Can xml data be directly stored into Hbase without any
> transformation.(second question)
> Any suggestions on storing xml data on Nosql. (only open source and no
> commercial nosql)
> Thanks in advance
> Shashi

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