When I try to attend the event. Meetup throw this error: "You're not
allowed to join groups in other countries." Could you open country
limit of joining ?

2015-01-22 20:25 GMT+02:00 James Taylor <jamestay...@apache.org>:
> I'm excited to announce the first ever Apache Phoenix meetup, hosted
> by salesforce.com in San Francisco on Tuesday, February 24th @ 6pm.
> More details here:
> http://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Apache-Phoenix-Meetup/events/220009583/
> Please ping me if you're interested in presenting your companies use
> case. We'll have live streaming available for remote participants as
> well.
> Thanks,
> James

Websitesi: http://talat.uyarer.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/talatuyarer
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