Yes, don’t use a salt. Salt implies that your seed is orthogonal (read random) 
to the base table row key. 
You’re better off using a truncated hash (md5 is fastest) so that at least you 
can use a single get(). 


Only if your row key is mostly sequential. 

Note that even with bucketing, you will still end up with regions only 1/2 full 
with the only exception being the last region.

> On May 1, 2015, at 11:09 AM, jeremy p <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been out of the HBase world for a while, and I'm just now jumping back
> in.
> As of HBase .94, it was still common to take a hash of your RowKey and use
> that to "salt" the beginning of your RowKey to obtain an even distribution
> among your region servers.  Is this still a common practice, or is there a
> better way to do this in HBase 1.0?
> --Jeremy

The opinions expressed here are mine, while they may reflect a cognitive 
thought, that is purely accidental. 
Use at your own risk. 
Michael Segel
michael_segel (AT)

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