Hi Gaurav,

Region information of Table is stored in meta table. If you want to delete
a region, actually you should delete a row in meta table. In HBase shell:

deleteall 'hbase:meta', 'ROW_FROM_META_WITH_YOUR_TABLE'

If you are not sure what the row you want to delete run a scan on the META
or dump its value into a file:

echo "scan 'hbase:meta' "| hbase shell &> dump.txt

then find your row and delete it. As you asked after region delete
operation table has some holes. make sure you run hbase hbck -repair to fix

On May 10, 2015 10:11 PM, "Gaurav Agarwal" <gau...@arkin.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We are using hbase version and need to selectively delete
> some regions from a table.
> I can afford to disable the table for sometime in order to perform this
> activity but absolutely cannot risk loosing the data stored in active
> regions (other than ones that need to be delete) on this table.
> How can this be done? I did not find any direct command from hbase shell to
> delete a region. Also, after deletes of the regions is there any other
> fsck/repair like activity that needs to be done in order to update the
> updated region server meta info with the master?
> --cheers, gaurav

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